Treat Before Diseasa

Prevention is the best cure

Boost Kidney Yang Qi

cold uterus, cold body, cold hands and feet, painful waist and legs, enhance immunity

Warm the Uterus​

Eliminate menstrual pain and promote blood circulation

Slimming and Sleep Improvement

Clear heat and detoxify. Expel dampness

Be your own doctor


Master basic Chinese medicine knowledge quickly and easily

Self-taught TCM to help myself and my family

Ren /Du Mai

Every physiological process and every
symptom or sign can be analysed in the light of the
Yin–Yang theory.

Lung/L.T Channel

Lungs control all the channels
and blood vessels. This means that the Lungs infuse Qi into the blood vessels.

Heart/S.T Channel

The Heart governs Blood and the blood vessels, which
are responsible for its circulation.

SLP Channel

The Spleen’s main function is to assist the Stomach
digestion by transporting and transforming food

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